You can pay by check, but this option is not recommended. Check payments are applied on the date the check is received and not on the date the check is placed in the mail. This can lead to late fees if the check is not received in a timely manner.
- Send only mailed payments to the addresses below. If you need to send us correspondence, see our correspondence address.
If you select pay by check during the application process your first payment will still be automatically deducted from your bank account.
- Mailed Payment fees for loans that originated on or after August 1st, 2017,
If you make your payment by check, you will incur a payment processing charge which you must add on top of your payment amount. This fee 5% of your payment amount or $5, whichever is less. - To find a payoff quote for your loan, sign in to your Prosper account, select “Download Payoff Quote” and choose the date you’d like to pay your loan off.
Make the payment out to Prosper Funding, LLC in the amount of the payment you wish to make and send it to the appropriate address below:
Standard Mail (usually arrives in 7-10 days)
Prosper Marketplace Inc.
P.O. Box 886081
Los Angeles, CA 90088-6081
Expedited Mail (usually arrives in 1-2 days)
Lockbox Services - #0136081
Prosper Marketplace, Inc.
3440 Flair Dr.
El Monte, CA 91731
Please know we can refuse to accept certain payments at our discretion.